Journeying With Jesus - Dr Gustavo Crocker

Journey With Jesus - Gustavo Crocker

The second address at General Assembly was by Dr. Gustavo Crocker, a Guatemalan by birth, but ordained in the American Church of the Nazarene. His talk on journeying with Jesus really inspired me. Listen to what he said:

“Follow Me”

“Follow me. Follow me. I know how simple this sounds. The word in the in the Greek is “akoloutheo”.

“Akoloutheo” means “journey with me”. To the fisherman on the shore, he said “akoloutheo”. Journey with me. To the teacher of the law with many excuses, he said “Follow me. Join me. Journey with me.” To the tax collector in the midst of his repugnant profession and political ideologies, he said “akoloutheo”. Journey with me. Follow me. To the rich young ruler who was attached to his wealth he said, Listen, leave everything that you have now, give it to the poor and journey with me. Follow me. “Akoloutheo”.

Partnering With God

While the sovereign God could have singlehandedly accomplished the work of redemption, he could have had a do-over on humanity, he gave humanity a new chance. He didn't push the reset button. He chose to come and enlist us simple jars of clay to join him, to journey with him, to follow him to “akoloutheo” him. To be partners with him in the Ministry of Reconciliation. What an amazing gift it is.”

Amen. What an amazing gift that God, who could have just put a reset on humanity, instead invites his people, you and I, to follow him, to “akoloutheo”.

Say “Yes” to the call 

Do you hear Jesus’ words to you today friends? Follow me. Join me. Journey with me in making this world a better place. Oh, say yes to the call! Oh, go after him today and let your life be patterned on the life of Jesus. That's what he's called you to do. And I hope and pray that you'll do it. 

Full talk: 


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