Bible in 2 Years

I've always struggled to read the Bible in a year - it requires too much reading each day, and eventually I just begin mindlessly trying to get through it. On the other hand, reading small sections of the Bible seems to get me nowhere.

In light of this, I decided to put together a 2-year Bible reading plan, where I read Monday-Friday, with weekends to catch up.

Each day consists of:
- One or two chapters from the Old Testament history and prophecy sections (which you will get through once in the two years)
- One chapter (or less) from the Wisdom books of the Old Testament - Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations (you'll read these twice in the two years)
- One chapter from the New Testament (you'll also finish twice in the two years)

DOWNLOAD THE PDFS to get started.