Jesus Entrusting

Jesus Ascended - Jesus Entrusting

It’s been a deep week looking at the importance of the Ascension of Christ into the heavens. And to finish I want to build on what we spoke of yesterday. There I said that we must expect His coming, yes, but we mustn’t get caught standing staring into the sky when there is work to be done. Our expectance means we must work hard to fulfil His mission.

And the remarkable thing is this: Jesus entrusted this mission to us. That’s not a word we use a lot these days, but to entrust something to somebody else is, according to Google Dictionary, to “assign the responsibility for doing something”.

This is an amazing thought. God sent Jesus, showed us through Jesus how to live our lives and what he expects of us, and then He called Jesus back and sent the Spirit, and left the work of spreading the gospel and transforming the world to us.

Divine Trust in Humanity

How God trusts His people! Of course, he knows we are flawed. He knows we are susceptible and frail. But even though He could just click His fingers and make it all right, He doesn’t. Instead, He calls His people to work in His power and be His representatives in the world.

This is a big responsibility. And I wonder if we feel the awesomeness of this responsibility! I wonder if we realise just how much He has entrusted to us?

Now, this is not the same type of trust that we have in Him. We trust Him as our Saviour. We trust Him as the one who purchased eternal life and a new birth for us. We only trust Him for such things. He doesn’t expect us to make any of that happen, of course not – only He can.

But how did we come to know about these things? Through people. Your parents, or a minister, or a friend or family member was entrusted with the good news, and they shared it with you and your life was changed because of their faithfulness.

Commissioned to Serve

God does the inner work of touching lives, but you and I need to go and be His arms and legs and feet and mouth. Remember, he didn’t want us standing staring at the sky. He entrusted to us the mission of making disciples.

So, are you doing what he entrusted you to do? Are you using your situation, your context, your abilities in this way? Whatever you have has been entrusted to you by God, for the good work of sharing His love with a loveless world.

He is ascended, but His church, His people, His bride, is entrusted with His word.

Let’s make Him proud!


Servants by Calling


Jesus Expected