If You Don’t Have a Dream…

It’s 2024, can you believe it!

Do you have a dream for this year? Do you have a picture of something wonderful that can be achieved in the next 12 months, and you can be a part of it? I think straight away of that most famous of speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King jr. “I have a dream!”

Do you remember the old musical South Pacific? There’s a song in that movie called “Happy Talk”, and the words of the song say: You’ve got to have a dream! If you don’t have a dream, how’re you gonna have a dream come true?

I want to dare you to dream in 2024! And to dream big! To shout “I have a dream”! Because oh, if you don’t have a dream, how’re you gonna have a dream come true?!

Dare to Dream Again

Scripture says this: “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). Where there is no dream, no vision, no revelation, people perish. They die off.

In other words: if you don’t have a dream, you’ll never have a dream come true, and you’ll just wither away.

But if you’ll dare to dream… If you’ll dare to have a vision for what might be, what could be… You’ll live. You won’t wither and perish, you’ll LIVE!

Yet, how life gets in the way of our dreams. How quickly we settle into a safe way of living! How quickly we get bogged down by our lives - bills to be paid, work to be done, routines to be stuck to.

We box ourselves into a dreamless way of life, and we stop believing that dreams can come true. So we stop pursuing our dreams. And soon we begin to perish, inside. Void of hope, we begin to exist instead of living!

Maybe this will be the year that you dare to dream once again.

Because I believe God is a dreamer! God loves to plan great things and then orchestrate things to see them unfold! I think God looks at you and me, and he has a dream for us! He dreams for us to be saved and sanctified and sustained.

God's Dream for Us: Embrace Yours in 2024

He dreams of us living victorious and joyful lives!

He dreams of us using our gifts for His good purposes!

He dreams of us, free from sin, full of His Spirit… changing the world…

What’s your dream? You’ve got to have a dream! If you don’t have a dream, how’re you gonna have a dream come true?

I pray that your year begins with a big dream, and a deep faith that God can make it come true.

If you’ve got a dream for 2024, it’s gonna be one exciting year.


Don’t Limit God


Grateful for Purpose