Hold Fast to God!

Hold Fast to God! Daily Devotion 16 March 2023

As Joshua reels off his list of instructions for living a good life, he tells his people to love God, to walk in obedience to him and keep his commands and then towards the end of verse 5 he says that they should “hold fast to him”.

Hold fast to God. It's a phrase we don't really use anymore. Hold fast to something. The King James says "Cleave unto him." Or, as the English Standard Version says, "Cling to him." The New Living Translation says, "Hold firmly to him." And I think those are all good ways to say it. Are you clinging to God and holding onto Him with all your strength?

Clutching Faith: Holding Firm to God

Now, this was a time when people would often turn away from God to build an idol. They would rush off and build some statue and then start praying to that statue and expecting that it would provide them some sort of comfort and assurance and salvation. Joshua was saying, "You've got to hold fast to God. You've got to cling to him. Don't go running after other things and expecting that they will help you hold to God.”

Hang on to God with all your life. Because you know what? He's holding on to you.

What are you clinging to? There's a verse in an old hymn that says "nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling." And I think that's a great picture of our faith - simply clinging to the cross and trusting God to hold us and keep us safe and be with us through the ups and downs of life.

I wonder if you today need to hear those words, “hold fast to God”. Maybe there’s pain, struggle, or worry in your life, maybe there's anxiety. Maybe you're in a really tough season. And the temptation is to just say, “God doesn't care. Let me just do my own thing.”

Anchored in Faith: Holding Firm in God's Embrace

Oh, hold fast to God! Cling to him today! Cling to His word. Cling to his character. Cling to his love. And remind yourself time and time again: He's alive. He's real. He's here. He's holding me.

Hold on to those truths, friends. Let them speak to your heart all throughout the day. When we're holding on to God, whatever winds and storms come our way, they won't blow us over.

I pray that you today, hearing this, will hold fast to God and find the strength that he gives.


Serve God!


Obey God