He is The Reason

He is The Reason

It’s Christmas day! Wishing you all a very joyful time as you celebrate today.

You may have seen a few weeks ago I shared a song that I wrote called He is the Reason. As the Christmas season began to take shape this year I sat at the piano to write something joyful and upbeat for CrossRoad to play at our carols events in December, and this song kind of spilled out.

Jesus: The Heart of Christmas

We sang it at a few different services and filmed it for an Encounter session on YouTube, and so this song has kind of been the theme of my Christmas this year.

Here is the chorus of the song:

Joy comes to those who seek Him, peace comes to those who find
Jesus the reason for it all
Hope fills the earth each Christmas, love everlasting flows
From Jesus the reason for it all
Yes, He is the reason!

As you celebrate Christmas today, I simply want to encourage you to remember that it is Jesus who must be at the centre.

It is only Jesus who offers us joy, peace, hope and love – which, incidentally, are the four themes that we focus on during the season of Advent – perhaps you church has been lighting Advent candles these past few weeks and remembering these themes.

Embrace Jesus: The True Reason

Because Jesus brings these things, we celebrate! We feast! We spend precious time with loved ones if we can! And we remember that the blessings we have come from Him who came to earth as a baby and ended up saving the world through His death and resurrection.

Will you place Him in the centre today? Will you worship Him, thank Him, talk of Him, and make much of Him today?

I pray you will.

Because He is the reason for it all.


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