Bill Wilson loved nature, and I enjoyed these words which came from his journal:

“I think of the good, honest religious folk who are just now putting themselves away from sunlight and fresh air from all the wonder of the spring's awakening, away from all that God has laid out so lavishly to inspire our hearts with love and worship and into a dark, stuffy building made with our own hands, upholstered with cloth and tapestry. Here in the heart and love and a life of nature, and with Christ by my side, I cannot bring myself to go to church building when the whole creation calls me to worship God in such infinitely more beautiful and inspiring light and color and form and sound. Everything out here suggests love and peace and joy and gratitude. Every single thing is true, lovable, full of virtue and praise. It is better than the best church service, there can be no doubt.”

God is in Nature and in Church

Obviously a lover of nature! Maybe you have similar thoughts that being with God in nature is so much more spiritual than being with God in church. Now, I don't think we need to believe that God isn't in church. God is as present in church as He is in nature. We often say it the other way around, right? God is just as present in nature as is in church. But let's remember that He's as beautiful and as wonderful and as terrific in the church building as he is outside.

But for me, this was just a reminder to glory in God's creation. In fact do yourself  a favor and go read Psalm 104 today, which talks about how God is so present and so good in nature. Verse 24 says,“How many are your works? Lord in wisdom you made them all, the earth is full of your creatures.”

So why don't you enjoy nature today in whatever way you can give God the glory, just as you would in a church building. And perhaps, if you're able plan to spend more time in nature worshiping God for all His creation.


Using What You Have For God


Faith Must Be Practical