Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Bill Wilson Explorer

In 1910 a group of men headed up by Captain Robert Scott went on an expedition to the South Pole. It was their second journey to the Antarctic, and one of the men on their team was Dr. Edward Wilson, or as he was known by his friends, Bill Wilson.

A Man of Deep Faith

He was a man of deep faith. And a few weeks back, I found his biography on my desk with a letter from Bill Meaker saying what a profound impact this book had on his life. So I read it eagerly, and I want to share some of the wonderful insights that come out of this book with you over the next couple of weeks.

Now, Bill Wilson was the doctor on these expeditions, and he was also an artist. He sketched the most incredible pictures of that part of the world. And everybody who traveled with him had good things to say about him. In fact a friend wrote this about him: “I cannot remember that he ever talked about religion. Yet if it be religion to dedicate one's life to whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if this is religion I have never known a more religious man.”

More Than Words

That reminds me very much of those famous words of Saint Francis who said “Preach the gospel and if necessary use words.” It seems that Bill Wilson was a man whose life preached. He was a man whose actions spoke louder than his words and a man whose selflessness and commitment to serving the people around him had a profound impact on all the people who traveled with him on these expeditions.

So what about you? Would people say that without even opening your mouth, they can tell you're a follower of Jesus just because of the way you live? Yes, of course there are times where we talk about our faith. But let's be sure, like Bill Wilson, to let our lives do the majority of the talking.


A Hard School