Well, friends, I hope that you've enjoyed these last two weeks as we've just drawn some inspiration from a man of God. His faith seemed to shine through him in a way that touched everybody. And really, as I read this book, I wondered: what do my actions and my words say? Can the same things be written of me as a Christ follower that were written of Wilson?

A True Man of God

I mean, listen to this for example - Captain Scott, the leader of the expedition, said this: "Words always fail me when I talk of Bill Wilson. I believe he really is the finest character I ever met - every quality so solid and dependable. Whatever happens, one knows that Bill will be sound, practical, intensely loyal, and quite unselfish." These are the type of words people write when somebody dies. But this was written by a man who died alongside Wilson. And so he said these words and meant them.

Or what about this: One of the men who traveled with Wilson before said this to Wilson's wife - "I never thought the Christ-life possible as an ideal until I saw it in your husband." Wow. That's high praise. This man seemed to exude something of Christ in a way that he lived and inspired others to do the same.

What about these words written by another man who was on early expeditions with Bill Wilson: “If I were asked what quality it was before others that made him so useful and so lovable, I think I would answer that it was because he never for one moment thought of himself.” Another said this - “Bill was always ready to help, the best influence and the finest character I for one will ever meet in this life."  And one more from another man who knew Bill on these expeditions said, "I thought him the finest man in the whole group and the least self-seeking spirit I have ever met."

What Will People Say of You?

I could go on and on and read more of these fine character statements people said about this man. But let me ask you this. Who are you? Are you selfless? If I were to ask someone to describe you, would they use characteristics that could also be used to describe Jesus?

And hey of course, we are all listening to this saying, “Well, I'm not perfect. I'm just struggling along.” And I understand that. Bill Wilson was just a man, just an average person whose life was very much in the vein of the life of Jesus because he was selfless and he cared deeply and truly for others.

So friends let's really live lives that match the life of Jesus. Let's learn from this man, Bill Wilson, and also give our lives that others might one day say "That person reminded me of Jesus."

Thanks for listening, friends. Thanks for sharing these all over the world. I really appreciate it. And I hope God blesses you this weekend. Take care.


Following God with Devotion


All is Well