God Provides Joy

A story of God Making a way, Beppie Summersgil God Provides Joy

If you've ever met Beppie Summersgil, you'll be amazed at just how positive and upbeat she is. I've been blessed by voice notes that she sent me which are always uplifting because they're bubbly and excitable. Whenever Shereen and I have spent time with Beppie and Cedric, it's always been an uplifting time. They're both very positive and Beppie, even though she's lost her sight, has got an amazing ability to keep positive.

Joy in God's Strength

And here's what she says about it in the talk that she gave:

“Some people say, how can you be so happy? Because God has told us, rejoice in the Lord always. Be glad no matter what are circumstances. Years ago, I just think “not possible”. But in God's strength, we can be glad through everything.

And so again, much like we learned yesterday, for Beppie, this is a Scriptural thing. God has said it. He said, rejoice always. And so I'm going to do it! That's her mindset. And I think that's powerful.

But did you hear what she said? That it's in God's strength that we can do it. I think that's very important for us today. It's in God's strength that we find joy.

Do you remember that verse in Nehemiah that says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength”? The two go together. It is when we are strong in our faith, it is when we are deep with God that even through our darkness, we can be joyful.

Now perhaps there's something to be said about personalities here. Some people seem to be more naturally cheerful, and other people perhaps more melancholy. But you can have joy, regardless of these types of personality traits.

Source of Joy

Joy is actually not so much about being upbeat and bubbly, although that is a wonderful gift to have. But even the quietest, most reserved person can be filled with the joy of the Lord if they find their strength in God.

Where do you go for joy, friends? As you begin your day, do you go to God? Feast with Him so that you can be satisfied and joyful as you go into your day, deep in your heart?

I believe strongly that God's servants should not be always moaning, always complaining, always with their lip on the ground, but they should be joyful people, even with tears in their eyes, even in darkest times.

There is a deep joy we can have if we are to find it in God. Beppie proves it, and I pray that you and I can prove it as well by looking to Him, not just for strength, but for our joy.


God Uses Willing Servants


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