Andrew Murray's Gentleness

Andrew Murray's Gentleness

Andrew Murray was quite a fiery preacher. I think most preachers in those days were. But at one point he says that he felt like people wanted him to scold. And he said that if that would produce good effects, he would do it. But then he says this “I sometimes I feel sad at the thought that the blessed gospel of God's love should be degraded into nothing else than a schoolmaster to drive and to threaten.”

We Can’t Scare People Into God’s Kingdom

That's a profound realization, that if we are trying to threaten and scare people into the gospel and scare people into the kingdom of God, we are doing God a disservice.

 Now, I believe that there are times when somebody needs a shakeup. I believe that sometimes a harsh word can have a place. Tough love can have a place, but so often that gets abused. Even saying it makes me realize that a lot of people will use that as a license to abuse. And that's absolutely not the case. On the rare occasions when God needs to discipline, or when we need to be tough with people so that they will hear the truth, we must be.

 But aggression and threatening will never work. We can show tough love without being aggressive. We can show the truth without threatening and frightening people. People’s hearts can be convicted and arrested by God without threats. Murray seemed to realize this and resolved never to turn the Gospel into an occasion for a rant!

Gentle Seriousness

Know the seriousness of the gospel friends. Yes, we must call people to repentance. Absolutely. But repentance not out of fear, but out of love. If people can see that the great God of love longs for them to turn to Him and has a great plan to bless them with peace and joy, this is what will convict them to turn from their old lives and come to God.

 Don't think of God as the great schoolmaster in the sky, friends, just wanting to punish you, whacking you when you step out of line, hatefully wanting your rigid obedience. Think of God as your loving father! Your loving father who longs for you to walk with him and talk with him and find a life alongside him.


Andrew Murray's Failures


Andrew Murray the Ecumenical Pastor