Friendship with Jesus (Canaan Melodies #3)

A a stunning song about Jesus' offer of friendship, written by Major Ludgate, tune by Stephen Collins Foster.

More info on the song here.

1. A friend of Jesus! O what bliss;
That one, so vile as I,
Should ever have a friend like this
To lead me to the sky!

Friendship with Jesus,
Fellowship divine
O what blessèd, sweet communion
Jesus is a friend of mine!

2. A friend when other friendships cease
A friend when others fail,
A friend who gives me joy and peace
A friend who will prevail.

3. A friend when sickness lays me low
A friend when death draws near
A friend as through the vale I go
A friend to help and cheer.

4. A friend when life’s short race is o’er
A friend when earth is past,
A friend to meet on Heaven’s shore
A friend when home at last.


The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power (Canaan Melodies #4)


Canaan Melodies (Canaan Melodies #2)